Friday, November 1, 2013

Potato Soup and A Fall Craft

This week potato soup sounded yummy.  It was a busy week, so I needed to find a crock pot recipe.  I found the following one from Betty Crocker.

Cheesy Potato Soup

1 32 oz bag of frozen southern-style hash browns (the cubed ones)
1/2 c frozen chopped onion (I did buy a bag of frozen onions cause it was cheaper than buying the container of already chopped onions, but I'm sure fresh would work just great too.)
1 medium stalk celery, diced (1/2 cup) (I chopped up several stalks to get 1/2 cup.  I had never put celery in my potato soup before, but I decided to try it.)
1 32 oz carton chicken broth
1 cup water
3 tbsp flour
1 cup milk
1 8 oz bag shredded cheddar cheese
Green onions (I didn't use the green onions.  I figured that if I was going to add celery then I could add some more veggies, so I added 1/2 cup of shredded carrots and a cup or so of fresh green beans.  I liked the veggies and probably could have added more.)

Put potatoes, onion, celery, broth, and water in the crock pot...mix together.  Cover and cook on low 6 to 8 hours.  In small bowl, mix flour into milk and then stir into potato mixture.  Increase heat to high, cover, and cook for 20-30 minutes until mixture thickens.  Stir cheese in until melted.  Serve with pieces of bacon and green onions if you like.

The only seasoning I added was pepper.  I think it could have used a little more flavor, but I wasn't sure what to add.  I do think I used the low sodium broth, so that could have made a difference too.  Overall I thought it turned out pretty yummy though, especially with the bacon (I used turkey bacon).

Fall Craft...
Last year I posted a Facebook status saying that I would make a fall craft for anyone who commented on the status.  I think I had around 10 people comment, so I painted some jack-o-lantern candle holders and leaf clay bowls.  I figured I would make fall crafts again this year, so I posted a status and waited for comments.  This year 17 people said they would enjoy receiving a craft.  I didn't have as much time or money to make things as elaborate as last year, but I was happy with my final product and I think my friends who have received them so far like them too!

I found some simple plain wood scarecrows at A C Moore and thought they would make great magnets, so I painted them and glued a magnet to the back.  I think they are pretty cute :)

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