Friday, April 25, 2014

More Daniel Fast Recipes (a little late I know)...

I don't have pictures this time, but I wanted to provide links for some other recipes we made that were yummy.  You definitely don't have to be on the fast to enjoy them :)

We were in the mood for cheese, so I went on a hunt for vegan cheese and found some at Fresh Market.  These enchiladas were yummy, but they did mess with my tummy just a bit (my roommate was fine tho).  I think it might have been the cheese, but it could have been the fast itself.  I definitely want to try these again with "normal" cheese.

We omitted the cheese in this recipe.  They were good and definitely tasted healthy, but I felt like they were kinda missing something.  I think I may have liked them more with rice, but they were worth trying.

Another night we made potato packets.  My family makes them a lot for grilling with chicken, but we don't have a grill so we cooked them in the oven.  They were good, but I do like them better on the grill.

Our packets were filled with sliced potatoes, green pepper, onion, and carrots along with a variety of seasoning.  We couldn't use butte so we just sprayed them with cooking spray.

I haven't tried any new recipes since ending the fast, but as soon as I do, I will share.
Have a great weekend!

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Daniel Fast Food

Our church challenged the congregation to participate in the Daniel Fast from last weekend until Easter.  You can find lots of information about the fast online.  There are also a couple of books about it.
Our church gave us this list of food guidelines.

The first week I made a yummy fruit salad for breakfast that I followed with a 100 calorie pack of almonds.

Lunch was mainly raw veggies with hummus and leftovers.  This week it's pasta salad (whole wheat pasta with veggies).  It's okay, but I miss the dressing, cheese, and pepperoni.

Dinner is where we've tried to come up some different ideas, so we didn't get sick of eating the same thing.  Here are some of the ideas we've tried and enjoyed.

Fiesta Lime Rice

Roasted Red Potatoes and Veggies

Cut up potatoes and veggies.  Spread out on greased.  Sprinkle with seasonings.  This was so yummy!

Whole Wheat Pasta with Homemade Sauce and Zucchini Boats

My roommate made this, so I am not sure about all the specifics, but if you would like to know how to make anything just leave a comment and I'll let you know.

Five Bean Chili over Baked Potatoes

The chili contained navy, black, kidney, white kidney, and chili beans.  I drained and rinsed all the beans except for the chili beans.  I dumped them in a big pot with 2 cans of diced tomatoes and 1 can of tomato sauce.  I also added chopped onion and peppers (green and red).  I used a packet of mild chili seasoning as well.  It was delicious over a steamy back potato!

Tex Mex Rice and Beans

We didn't make it in the crock pot.  My roommate started the rice before I got home cause brown rice takes a while to cook.  I put all of the other ingredients in a large pot and started heating them up.  When the rice was finished, I had added it to the pot.  My roommate cut up corn tortillas, sprayed them with oil on each side, sprinkled them with salt, and then baked them for 12 minutes at 350 for some "homemade" not fried chips.  (The trays need to be flipped half way through cooking.)

I'll keep adding recipes as we try them and feel free to share any that you have tried!!  :)