Today's verse...John 10:10 "I have come that they may have life and that they may have it more abundantly."
I know this verse and the promise therein is true because it's in the Bible! However, I definitely do not feel that I have been living the abundant life lately!
My college years? Had their ups and downs but awesome!
My years spent in Korea? Amazing! Was living life and loving it! I've never felt more secure in the fact that I was exactly where God wanted me and doing what He wanted me to do. Loved my job, was involved at church, and had fabulous friends to hang out and have a good time with! My years living in Florida? Bummer! There have been some good times, don't get me wrong, but the majority of my time here I have simply felt like I was just doing what I needed to do in order to get through each day. I don't feel like I've been living my life; I've simply been surviving.
When I moved here in November 06, I felt like it was the right decision; that God had opened the doors and I was following His plans. Since moving there have been many times that I've wondered if I was very wrong. I feel as though my life here has been nothing but challenge after challenge, disappointment after short, it has been tough! Now I know that God never promised that life would be easy, but seriously?!
My biggest struggles since moving here have revolved around my job and friends...or the lack thereof. My job has been a crazy roller coaster ride and I am not a fan of roller coasters!! My first year was tough especially coming in half way through the year, my class the second year was great but there was drama with my co-workers, and this last year things were better with the co-workers for the most part and my class wasn't terrible, but there was so much pressure to perform on the tests that I was burnt out before Christmas!! This next year? The jury is still out...I know that I need to go into this year with a new attitude. I need to get pumped up and excited! I have mostly the same students this year and I want them to see a difference! There are aspects that I am excited about and aspects that I am not but that is normal. I'm praying that God will give me a renewed joy for and love of my job! He didn't open any other doors for this year...though I looked, knocked, and even I do believe that He wants me at my school for at least another year for a reason.
My other major struggle has been my social life. Any of you reading this that knew me before moving to Florida know that I am a social person...I love people! I love getting to know people, hanging out with people...I get energy from being around people (the right kind anyway!) I've moved a lot in my life and making friends was thankfully not something I ever really struggled with...I am a friendly person and though I can be a bit shy at times (no laughing!), most of the time I have no problem starting up a conversation and making a new friend. Making friends here in Florida has been a constant struggle! It's not that I don't have any friends, because God has definitely brought some great people into my life and I am so thankful for each of them! It's just that... it's different, but I guess that's to be expected being in a new place and all. It's been hard to get used to, but I do know that God has used this time to teach me some much needed lessons and maybe He needed to remove me from the shelter of my friends in order to do so. I don't know what the reason is, but I know that God is in control and will bring the people into my life that I need at the time that I need them.
I'll admit I haven't had the best attitude about living here and that has probably caused me to miss out on some of the blessings that God wanted to bestow upon me. I want that to change this year (remember I think in school years)! I want to get back to living and loving life! I want the abundant life that is promised in the above verse! Hopefully you and I will both be able to see that happen as we continue on this tour...
p.s. It's funny how many times I went back and edited this post because God revealed things to me as I was writing it! He's so cool like that :)
God often helps me sort truth from fiction while I'm writing and that's why I like it. :)
And I want to live the abundant life he offers too.
Girl...just make the most of what you can. I taught there for five years and it took me a very long time to find where I fit in...and then of course, I moved again. There are some really good people that work there, just give them a chance. You are such a sweet and loving person. You will have a better year...I can feel it!
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